Film: The Island President

Catch a screening of the documentary, "The Island President," which follows a year in the life of President Mohamed Nasheed of the Maldives—a democratically elected leader of the low-lying island state, which faces the threat of being submerged by rising seas. This film by Jon Shenk captures Nasheed's first year in office, as he rallies support around global climate action, culminating with his trip to the COP15 international climate negotiations in Copenhagen, Denmark.

"The provides a rare glimpse of the political horse-trading that goes on at such a top-level global assembly. Nasheed is unusually candid about revealing his strategies—leveraging the Maldives’ underdog position as a tiny country, harnessing the power of media, and overcoming deadlocks through an appeal to unity with other developing nations. When hope fades for a written accord to be signed, Nasheed makes a stirring speech which salvages an agreement." (Source: The Island President)

Date: May 3, 2023
Time: 6-8pm
Location: 3-133 (the room with the movie screen)
Pizza will be provided. Please RSVP here.
Hosted by the MIT Climate Planning Forum, co-sponsored by SPURS, EPP and IDG.

Questions? Contact: Hussain Ziyath