Tenzin Jamtsho
Director of Administration and Finance at Druk Gyalpo's Institute (formerly the Royal Academy), Bhutan, where he manages and supervises all activities relating to financial, technical, management control, and general services of the organization. Was previously Chief Engineer for the Druk Gyalpo’s Institute (DGI) and was responsible for all the technical matters of the institute; part of the Royal Academy Construction Project team responsible for the construction and development of the Royal Academy campus, and served in Bhutan’s civil service in the Urban Infrastructure Services Division and Water and Sanitation Division under the Ministry of Works and Human Settlement.
Holds Master’s of Engineering on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Engineering from Osaka University, Japan; and Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from PSG College of Technology, Tamil Nadu, India.
Interested in exploring energy efficient solutions in the development of sustainable infrastructure in order to mitigate and reduce overall carbon footprint.
Funded by the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs under the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship.