Industrial Urbanism: Places of Production

INDUSTRIAL URBANISM suggests that economics-driven frameworks of industry be extended into an analysis that includes the physical environment and city-building. Such a perspective addresses future relationships between cities and industry as well as between current urban planning and the places designed for manufacturing. More specifically, this project focuses on the spatial implications and physical design of integrating contemporary manufacturing into the city.

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New Industrial Urbanism: Designing Places for Production

Since the Industrial Revolution, cities and industry have grown together; towns and metropolitan regions have evolved around factories and expanding industries. New Industrial Urbanism explores the evolving and future relationships between cities and places of production, focusing on the spatial implications and physical design of integrating contemporary manufacturing into the city. The book examines recent developments that have led to dramatic shifts in the manufacturing sector – from large-scale mass production methods to small-scale distributed systems; from polluting and consumptive production methods to a cleaner and more sustainable process; from broad demand for unskilled labor to a growing need for a more educated and specialized workforce – to show how cities see new investment and increased employment opportunities. Looking ahead to the quest to make cities more competitive and resilient, New Industrial Urbanism provides lessons from cases around the world and suggests adopting New Industrial Urbanism as an action framework that reconnects what has been separated: people, places, and production. Moving the conversation beyond the reflexively-negative characterizations of industry, more than two centuries after the start of the Industrial Revolution, this book calls to re-consider the ways in which industry creates places, sustains jobs, and supports environmental sustainability in our cities.

This book is available as Open Access through

Industrial Urbanism: Exploring the City–Production Dynamic

This issue focuses on the spatial implications and physical manifestation of contemporary manufacturing in the city. In doing so it addresses four key questions. 1. What are the contemporary relationships between city and industry? 2. Should contemporary manufacturing be subjected to the same rules and zoning regulations as its predecessors? 3. What physical planning and design strategies should cities pursue to retain, attract, and increase manufacturing activity? 4. What is to be done with vacant factories and neglected industrial sites.

The paper outlines some of the developments and trends associated with the 'Fourth Industrial Revolution' with a focus on three main themes: technology, manufacturing, and cities. Mapping these trends, three interlinked dimensions are perceived as crucial to the future development of industrial areas in cities: geographical proximity, localism, and planning regulations. These issues require further research and study, including mapping the existing industrial typologies and their influence on socioeconomic urban dynamics and city residents' daily lives.