Karilyn Crockett Named the 2022 William Sloane Coffin Award for Peace and Justice Recipient

Credit: Alison Bruzek for WGBH
Please join us in congratulating Karilyn Crockett, who has been named the recipient of the 2022 William Sloane Coffin '56 Award for Peace and Justice by Yale Divinity School.
The Coffin award is given in honor of William Sloane Coffin, former Chaplain to Yale University. The recipient of this award shares Coffin’s courageous devotion to the dignity of all persons and has made a notable contribution to the work of peace and reconciliation.
The award committee cites Crockett's multifaceted work - both in the academe and in civil service - to forge new pathways in the field of urban planning that center justice, values, and ethics.
In addition to her degree from the London School of Economics, Crockett earned three degrees from Yale University (BA '95, MAR '06, PhD '13) culminating in her dissertation work which provided the foundation for her book, People Before Highways: Boston Activists, Urban Planners, and a New Movement for City Making (UMass Press, 2018). Currently, Crockett is the Assistant Professor of Urban History, Public Policy & Planning at DUSP, research fellow at the Religion and Public Life program at Harvard Divinity School, and Research and Policy Consultant for the Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce.
“We are all driven by what we believe, whether we are theists or not,” said Karilyn Crockett in a Harvard Divinity School interview. “Being able to name, clarify, and nurture what propels us professionally and personally is critical for living fulfilled and healthy lives in any age, and especially in … a time of crisis and change.”