Revitalizing Urban Main Streets

This course focuses on the physical and economic renewal of urban neighborhood Main Streets by combining classroom work with an applied class project. The course content covers four broad areas:

  • an overview of the causes for urban business district decline, the challenges faced in revitalization and the type of revitalization strategies employed;
  • the physical and economic development planning tools used to understand and assess urban Main Streets from physical design and economic development perspectives;
  • the policies, interventions, and investments used to foster urban commercial revitalization; and
  • the formulation of a revitalization plan for an urban commercial district.

Greater Ashmont Main Street: Connect, Gather, Celebrate

This report is the result of a collaborative partnership between graduate students from the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Greater Ashmont Main Streets in Dorchester, Boston. From September to December 2024, a team of six graduate students worked closely with experienced faculty and leaders from Greater Ashmont Main Streets to conduct research, develop analyses, and generate actionable recommendations for the district.

Read the full report.

A Safe, Lively, Unified, and Well-resourced Four Corners Commercial District

This report represents work that stems from the partnership between graduate students in MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning and Four Corners Main Streets as part of the Revitalizing Urban Main Streets practicum. Between September and December 2024, our team of nine students worked with Four Corners Main Streets executive director and board as well as business owners and other community partners to develop a menu of strategies to strengthen the Four Corners commercial corridor.

Read the full report.