What interventions might improve walkability in cities that are reliant upon vehicles as a primary means of mobility? Can design overcome challenges including accessibility barriers, lack of safety enforcement, and the absence of an organized public transit system?
A new working paper, produced through joint research between the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the American University of Beirut (AUB), leverages a comprehensive survey of street networks to calibrate a model that estimates pedestrian flows on all streets during peak travel periods, and uses that model to highlight the importance of specific pedestrian corridors across the city.
Researchers and authors for the paper include DUSP's Andres Sevtsuk, Rounaq Basu, Bahij Chancey, Justin Kollar, and Daniel Pratama as well as AUB's Jawad Haddad, Mohamad Halabi, Rawad Makhlouf, and Maya Abou-Zeid.
Read the full working paper
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