Four DUSP Community Authored Books Honored

Data Feminism (MIT Press)
Modern Language Association - 2022 Prize for Collaborative, Bibliographical, or Archival Scholarship
In Data Feminism, Catherine D'Ignazio and Lauren Klein, offer a new model for conceptualizing and understanding data science and data ethics that is informed by the ideas of intersectional feminism.
Presented each even-numbered year, the MLA Prize for Collaborative, Bibliographical, or Archival Scholarship is awarded based on the evidence of “analytical rigor, meticulous scholarship, intellectual creativity, as well as subject range and depth.” Founded in 1883, the Modern Language Association of America provides a platform to share scholarly research and findings in the humanities.
Learn more about Data Feminism or read open access via MIT Press
Urban Play: Make-Believe, Technology, and Space (MIT Press)
Choice - Outstanding Academic Titles 2022: Architecture
In Urban Play, Fábio Duarte and Ricardo Álvarez explore how playfulness and plasticity in new technologies allow for innovative spatial and urban design.
Each year, Choice publishes its list of outstanding academic titles, highlighting books for their importance to their respective fields, originality, contribution to higher education, and overall excellence in presentation and scholarship. Choice is a publishing unit of the American Library Association’s Association of College and Research Libraries.
Read more about Choice’s Outstanding Academic Titles 2022: Architecture
Fixer-Upper: How to Repair America’s Broken Housing System (Brookings Institution Press)
Planetizen -The Top Urban Planning Books of 2022
In Fixer-Upper, Jenny Schuetz (MCP ‘01) addresses the unequal nature of housing in the United States by assessing how local, state, and national housing policies impact individuals and communities to propose practical policy changes which could “make stable, decent-quality housing more available and affordable for all Americans in all communities.”
Each calendar year, Planetizen compiles a list of planning books that have a strong potential to influence the field of planning and nudge best practices. Planetizen is an independent platform that curates and shares resources to foster innovation, embrace diversity, and advance the field of planning.
Read more about Planetizen’s Top Urban Planning Books of 2022
Dream Play Build: Hands-On Community Engagement for Enduring Spaces and Places (Island Press)
Planetizen - New Visions for Community
In Dream Play Build, James Rojas (MCP ‘91, SM ‘91) and John Kamp build upon years of experience to demonstrate how community organizers and planners can incorporate and leverage play and imagination to enhance community engagement and inspire more just, vibrant, and happy cities.
Planetizen’s New Visions for Community highlights books which “present real-life case studies that can inspire and provide a model for other communities, but that also highlight the gaps that governments are failing to address in infrastructure, transportation, and land use decisions.”