Finance and Space

How is a space defined and changed by the financial properties we assign to it? Conversely, how does a space’s social, political, and economic properties change finance? A new journal, Finance and Space, edited by Dariusz Wojcik from Oxford University, Karen Lai from Manchester University, David Bassens from Vrije Universiteit Brussels, and DUSP’s Janelle Knox-Hayes, seeks to expand our understanding of the changing finance-space nexus through an interdisciplinary approach and heterodox thinking about finance across space and time.
“Finance and Space will connect insights across intellectual disciplines in a systematic and grounded way to help us understand how and why finance and space co-evolve, and impacts of that coevolution on economy, society, and the environment,” said Knox-Hayes. “The journal seeks to showcase a variety of perspectives, types of knowledge, techniques for understanding, and draws upon multiple disciplines to achieve this diverse approach.”
Knox-Hayes is a Professor of Economic Geography and Planning. Her research focuses on the ways in which social and environmental systems are governed under changing temporal and spatial scales as a consequence of globalization. She has studied the political and economic interface of financial markets and environmental systems and how individuals and organizations plan and make decisions under conditions of socio-economic uncertainty.
Launched Friday, May 12 2023, Finance and Space is seeking paper submissions for the first issue. The journal welcomes submissions from scholars and practitioners from fields including, but limited to, political economy and political science, economics and regional science, sociology, anthropology, housing studies, environmental studies, financial history, development studies, and urban and regional planning, in addition to geography, regional studies, and urban studies.