DUSP in the Media: March 2024

Temporary housing sits at Camp Graves, Monday, Jan. 15, 2024, in Water Valley, Ky. Two years after the tornado outbreak that killed dozens and leveled much of the real estate in Mayfield, many people are still living through another, slower disaster, the search for housing. Credit: Joshua A. Bickel, AP Photos
Associated Press, Two years after deadly tornadoes, some Mayfield families are still waiting for housing
Research from Mark Brennan, Tanaya Srini, Justin Steil, Miho Mazereeuw and Larisa Ovalles is cited in Melina Walling's coverage of post-disaster housing in Mayfield, Kentucky. More...
New York Times, A Growth Spurt in Green Architecture
Work by Carlo Ratti is highlighted in Stephen Wallis' piece on increasing use and incorporation of sustainable and living elements in architecture and design. More...
New York Times, Developers Got Backing for Affordable Housing. Then the Neighborhood Found Out.
Justin Steil is quoted as an expert witness in Jason DeParle's article on the resistance to development of affordable housing in Florence, South Carolina. More...
Journal of the American Planning Association, Rabble Rousers: Frances Goldin and the Fight for Cooper Square
Ezra Glenn reviews the new documentary about New York’s historic Cooper Square, Rabble Rousers. More...
JLL Perpsectives, How are landowners being compensated as solar and wind farms surge?
Host Rebecca Kent speaks to Lawrence Susskind, Jamahl Waddington, and Will Gurry to better understand what compensation is available to landowners negatively impacted by renewble energy projects, and how is it being negotiated? More...
Archinect, The People’s Place in the City of Bits and Atoms
Carlo Ratti and Richard Saul Wurman are spotlighted in Niall Patrick Walsh's piece exploring how the relationship between people and places are changing with the proliferation of data that both monitors, shapes, and supports cities and people. More...
New York Times Opinion, Domicide: The Mass Destruction of Homes Should Be a Crime Against Humanity
A Nw York Time's TikTok video relating the content of Balakrishnan Rajagopal's Opinion piece making the case for classifying the mass destruction of neighborhoods and homes as a crime. More...
Databases for Community Power
Catherine D’Ignazio is interviewed by the Public Interest Technologist on MIT's obligation to develop technologies that serve a public. More...
Architectural Record, How to Design an Urban Icon?
Carlo Ratti and Antoine Picon write a commentary on what it means to design outstanding and unique projects in modern cities. More...
Blending Tech Skills with Environmental Advocacy
Sanjana Paul is interviewed by the Public Interest Technologist on how the multidisciplinary environment of collaboration - embodied in hacking culture - can be harnessed to further climate action. More...
Program on Negotiation, How to Win at Win-Win Negotiation
An exploration of the tension between creating and claiming value during a negotiation in the context of the Cape Wind Energy Project off the shores of Massachusetts and Lawrence Susskind's Good for You, Great for Me: Finding the Trading Zone and Winning at Win-Win Negotiation. More...