DUSP in the Media: April 2024

American Planning Association, enTwine
MCP students Mikel Berra Sandin, Sofia Chiappero, Zak Davidson, Hannah Leung, and Cale Wagner’s team proposal, enTwine, named the winner of the 2024 American Planning Association’s Annual Student Planning and Design Competition. More...
MIT Open Learning, Teaching with Digital Technology Awards
In 2024, MIT students submitted 136 nominations. Of the 136 nominations, six individuals were selected as winners of the 2024 Teaching with Digital Technology Awards, including DUSP’s Cong Cong. More...
Epic Cleantec, "Leading Women in Water"
DUSP alumna and Chief Executive Officer at Texas Water Trade, Sharlene Leurig (MCP ‘07) was named one of Epic Cleantec’s “Leading Women in Water.” The initiative showcases women leaders in the field of management of water and wastewater that are “driving positive change and ignite inspiration among the current and upcoming generation of female leaders.” More...
Valor Economico, "Rio City Hall signs agreement for unprecedented use of AI in urban projects"
The MIT Senseable City Lab, in collaboration with the Secretary of Science and Technology from the City of Rio de Janeiro, is launching the Senseable City Rio (SCR). This will be first Lab of its kind in the South America and will serve as a testbed for urban projects implementing technologies such as visual artificial intelligence to study informal settlements—e.g. the Favelas in Rio—and to offer solutions that improve the community’s life. More...
Bloomberg, "Looking for a Place to Sit Down in the City"
David Zipper, a Senior Fellow at the MIT Mobility Initiative, builds upon William Whyte’s insights about what attracts people to gather and utilize urban spaces and how this knowledge could help cities recover from the impacts of the covid pandemic. More...
BBC, "12 stunning buildings that bring nature inside"
Featuring an edited extract from Carlo Ratti’s introduction to the House of Green (Gestalten, 2024), this BBC piece explores how architects are incorporating nature into the built environment across multiple scales and modalities. More...
Forbes, "LOOP Co-Founder & Co-CEO, Carey Anne Nadeau, Shares Her Vision For The Car Insurance Industry Of Tomorrow"
Forbes’ Pauleanna Reid profiles Carey Anne Nadeau (MCP ‘15) and her company, Loop, a car insurance company committed to delivering fair and equitable rates that are reinvested in its service communities. More...
The Arts Fuse, "Theater Review: 'Springtime for Hades'"
Ezra Glenn pens a review of Hadestown, the Tony-winning Broadway show, which is at Boston’s Boch Center Wang Theater through April 28. If you missed the Boston offering, your next chance will be at the Shubert Theatre in New Haven, April 30 through May 5. More...